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  • (^8 The Daily Dose Funny Video Clip! :^D
    (: Some say the Vuvuzela's so LOUD y*u c*nt h**r an*th*ng! :D

    (: Comedy Clips Galore :D

    (^: More Hilarious Video Clips 8^D

    8^D Hundreds More Funny Comedy Video Clips (^:

    See also: Laughzilla
    The X Dose - The Dirtiest Jokes
    And: Oy Vey! Jewish Jokes, Comedy & Humor.

    Laughzilla's Last Link! (Now Up Front!)
    Despite 2010's global recession, FIFA scored a HUGE Financial Goooooaaaaaal!
    Final 2010 World Cup Internet Traffic: .nl v. .es. Too bad Europe's Economy is Harder to FIX. .

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    Funny One Liner:
    "How many productive working hours are wasted by viewers watching worldwide championship sports events? How many Millions of Dutch and Spanish people will skip work to watch the 2010 FIFA World Cup Final? Although in Europe's case, they don't work much anyway, so what difference does it really make?" ~ Yasha Harari

    The Daily Dose Joke:
    "Top Ten FIFA World Cup and Euro Economy jokes"

    10. A bad football team in the FIFA World Cup is like an old socialist economy no big goals achieved and minimal support.

    9. Portugal, having beaten North Korea 7-0 in the FIFA 2010 World Cup, is now wary of sailing into North Korean waters.

    8. Q: What's the difference between Europe's debts and the FIFA World Cup? A: The FIFA World Cup can actually save the day.

    7. Despite South Africa's chagrin that no African country made it to the FIFA 2010 World Cup Final Four, at least they don't have to navigate their way out of Europe's crushing pensions and social debts, and they can drown out any reasonable arguments for economic progress with the infamous Vuvuzela.

    6. If the European Union was run by FIFA, they would aim for lower, realistic goals.

    5. Many European countries must undergo unpopular austerity plans to fix their economies. Of course the last thing they will cut is the football team's ballooning budget.

    4. Europe's economy is so bad, that for every hour of football Europeans watch on television, their national productivity increases by two hours.

    3. One similar problem that exists in economics and FIFA World Cup games: There is no instant replay to remedy bad calls.

    2. Europe's economy would be a lot easier to fix if only they had the kind of honest chaos and dislike of each other that was on display in the FIFA 2010 World Cup.

    ... and the #1 FIFA World Cup and Euro Economy joke is:

    1. Put this in your pipe and smoke it: The FIFA 2010 World Cup semi-finalists (Germany and Uruguay) are countries forbid the use of marijuana. The two finalist countries (Holland and Spain) allow smoking marijuana.

    Reference: Yasha Harari for

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  • "Memorial Day is a day to remember and honor those who sacrificed for our freedom not to sacrifice." ~ Yasha Harari

    Keep on laughing! 8^D It's good for you. Really. Well it can't be worse for you than bad healthcare. :)

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