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:^) Wednesday, March 10, 2010 {Vol. 14, # 094} (^8  

Team of Monkeys Mazes - What can your Team of 
Monkeys do?
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(: Fatcat Democrab Michael Moore takes on Rahm 'n Obama. { Satire } :D

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See also: Laughzilla
The X Dose - The Dirtiest Jokes
And: Oy Vey! Jewish Jokes, Comedy & Humor.

Laughzilla's Last Link! (Now Up Front!)
Eat your Massa Chicken Flavored Rahm 'n Noodles out, kid!
Eat a Massa Rahm 'n 

Funny Quote:
Answer: A cheap political recipe for a populist White House in lean economic times.
Question: What are Rahm and Noodles?
~ by: Yasha Harari

The Daily Dose Joke:
"Top 10 List of Unlikely Political Slogans"

10) We need more lobbyists.

9) We need more lawyers.

8) We need more politicians.

7) We need bigger government.

6) We need more regulation and less ethics.

5) We need more dirty energy.

4) We need more oil from countries that hate us.

3) We need more wars to fight.

2) We need more taxes.

... and the #1 Unlikely Political Slogan is:

1) Change Sucks.

Reference: Yasha Harari for The Daily Dose

Random Joke: Random Joke
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Keep on laughing! 8^D It's good for you. Really. Well it can't be worse for you than bad healthcare. :)

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