Laughzilla's Last Link! (Now Up Front!) Postcard from a Dairy Diary.
Funny One Liner:
"Jews around the world are preparing to celebrate Shavuot, which celebrates staying up all night, partying, drinking wine, and death by cheesecake." ~ Yasha Harari
10. Blessed are the Meek, the Cheesemakers, and the Vintners. Out of those three, I bet the Vintners have the most fun.
9. Wine and Cheese tastings are the modern posh version of Ancient Rome's Wine and Doormice tastings.
8. It sure makes sense that the real reason people celebrate Wine is because of the corkmakers.
7. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, and don't try to get cheese from the backend of a cow.
6. Has anyone ever made a fine wine with The Grapes of Wrath?
5. Shavuot is the Jewish holiday in which wine and cheese are celebrated. At the same time, people in France and Wisconsin are uncorking and enjoying their own curdled
4. W.C. Fields, who was famous for his wit on drunkeness, had the perfect initials for a Wine and Cheese toastmaker.
3. Never try to rob a drunk of his bottle, and never try to convince a Frenchman that Danish Blue Cheese is as good as Roquefort.
2. Cheese always tastes better with extra wine.
... and the #1 Wine and Cheese joke is:
1. First stop whining and say "Cheese", then drink wine as much as you please.