Uncle Sam Drawn Apart By China Debt And US Spending Political cartoon and Top 10 Signs of American Economic Strain jokes
- “The US economy is strained between its desire for cheap goods at low prices, and its inability to lay its hands off the damned Twinkies.” — Yasha Harari
- “Top 10 Signs of American Economic Strain jokes”
- 10. You can tell how strained the American economy is by the size of the average car engine, and the number of credit cards in the average wallet.
- 9. Experts agree, the surest sign that the American economy is strained is by the number of new housing starts, and the average door frame width.
- 8. The American economic strains are being felt hardest by the poor, underemployed, urban, Chinese child laborers.
- 7. If things keep going the way they are, soon the American economic strain will even be obvious to President Obama.
- 6. One sign that the American economic strain is real, is by the soaring number of FOX News Channel viewers.
- 5. Would the American economic strain be any easier to bear, if there were no amazing product informercials on late night television?
- 4. Online communications experts have tested an algorithm that shows the state of the American Economic Strains by a chart of relevant emoticons.
- 3. A sign of American economic strain is when you hear about Jimmy Carter in the news.
- 2. One sign that the American economic strain is bad, is all the poor people jumping over every obstacle to find work South of the border.
- … and the #1 Signs of American Economic Strain joke is:
- 1. The American economic strain was caused by mass consumerism being mismatched to horrible fiscal responsibility, namely, paying for countless dictators around the world to maintain the status quo for decades.
- Reference: Yasha Harari for TheDailyDose.com.
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