Arab Israeli Trade Balance
Gilad Shalit Palestinian prisoner swap political cartoon and Top 10 prisoner exchange jokes
- “Gilad Shalit is free, and Israel’s Prison systems will have 1,027 fewer Palestinian prisoners to guard. It’s the Army’s turn again.” — Yasha Harari
- “Top 10 Prisoner exchange jokes”
- 10. Communications: A prisoner talks with another prisoner.
- 9. Education: Prisoners don’t want to leave prison only to return to a life of poverty and misery, so they apply to academic exchange programs in nice, foreign countries.
- 8. Haiku: Gilad Shalit: Free. A man of the people, home. Happy holidays.
- 7. Economy: You don’t fix an economy with a prisoner exchange. You fix an economy with a currency exchange.
- 6. Politics: Prisoner exchanges are all political, and politics is all about votes. So why don’t political prisoners get to vote?
- 5. Iambic Pentameter: Prisoner exchanges are popular, because they let folks start a new chapter.
- 4. Science: Four out of five dentists recommend prisoner exchanges for better oral hygiene.
- 3. Statistics: Despite the high probability of recidivism, prisoner exchanges are favored by compassionate people, for the possibility of a higher rate of reformed, submissive, domesticated people to re-enter society peacefully, and in a contributing manner. For example, anyone who does not understand this clear statement.
- 2. Zen: The prisoner exchange you seek, is only achieved by letting go of what you want.
- … and the #1 Prisoner exchange joke is:
- 1. Proverbial: A prisoner exchange makes for happy homes, and emptier prisons.
- Reference: Yasha Harari for
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