LMFAO protest sign political cartoon and Top 10 protest movement jokes
- “Protest signs are proof that many people need better spelling.” — Yasha Harari
- “Top 10 Protest Movement jokes”
- 10. Haiku: Where there’s injustice, protest movements can help change the system in time.
- 9. Economy: Why doesn’t some of that government bailout money just get redirected to pay protest movement participants?
- 8. HR: What do HR people look for in candidates whose occupation is participating in any protest movement?
- 7. Education: Students don’t learn to support protest movements in school. Students learn to support protest movements in spite of school.
- 6 Wally World vs. Wall Street: Would the #OccupyWallStreet protest movement be as significant if all the rallies were held at Wally World?
- 5. Iambic Pentameter: The protest movement that you want to join, is helpful if it gets you some more coin.
- 4. Politics: Anti-political protest movements can’t exist.
- 3. Social Media: If it weren’t for social media, would people like modern protest movements so much?
- 2. Irony: An organized protest movement for chaos.
- … and the #1 Protest Movement joke is:
- 1. Business: Unemployment numbers would surely drop if the protest movement organizers would hire the unemployed participants to make signs saying things like “This Sign Earned Me Some Capitalist Cash.”
- Reference: Yasha Harari for TheDailyDose.com.
Discussion (2) ¬
“This Sign Earned Me Some Capitalist Cash.” lol.
“Students learn to support protest movements in spite of school.”
Pretty true. I know many people with bachelors degrees working minimum wage jobs due to layoffs or no other jobs available. It wasn’t always this way – you got a degree, then you got a job.