Book You Never Read > The Confessions Of God
Confessions of God book title #OccupyReligion editorial cartoon and Top 10 Occupy Religion jokes
- “And as God gazed upon the breadth of his domain, he wept, for he realized that the people were too occupied with religion.” — Yasha Harari
- “Top 10 #OccupyReligion jokes”
- 10. #OccupySocialMedia – If Organized Religion was nearly as useful to you as Social Media, why are most of your friends not following your faith?
- 9. #OccupyTelevangelists – It makes great TV.
- 8. #OccupyInternet – If Religion is supposed to adhere to the old ways, why are there any religious websites?
- 7. #OccupyNature – If man was meant to follow any particular religion, why are there so many?
- 6. #OccupyScience – Religion proves that Science is imperfect, because .
- 5. #OccupyHaiku – Religion is good. It proves some adults, like kids, need supervision.
- 4. #OccupyBelief – If you can believe that Religion is part of God’s plan, then why did he give you one that makes your life so unpleasant.
- 3. #OccupySkepticism – 1% of the most powerful people believe what the other 99% know is nonsense.
- 2. #OccupyIndoctrination – Teaching our children that the best way to relate to religion is to stay out of it and exercise free will.
- … and the #1 Occupy Religion joke is:
- 1. #OccupyGod – Demanding a fair share of divinity, because the top 0.000000000000000000000000000001% of the Universe controls the welfare of the other 99.9999999999999999999999999999%.
- Reference: Yasha Harari for
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