Occupy Wall Street Cartoons

So, you think you know occupy Wall Street? Is it many people, many voices, all united behind not being united, driven by selfishness or grandiose transcendent existentialism for the betterment of all humanity? The Occupy movement was started by the Canadian ad firm AdBusters and driven online by the hacker group Anonymous. The Daily Dose has taken the movement, its nemeses, and some of the related hilarious ironies to task with pen and paper.

What is #OccupyWallSteet about?

Is OWS about, by and for the people?

Occupy Wall Street protesters as bankers LOL
The sound of fury signifying nothing? The sound of real rage, hinting at real change? Which of these perspectives will rule the day? Whatever your take, these cartoons about the leaderless political movement, started by a Snow Bird advertising company and its friends like George Soros and SEIU and the ironic ways big corporations like TIME Warner p0wn it, are sure to make you laugh out loud 🙂 You can see more of these cartoons and their accompanying jokes at TheDailyDose.com.

The Daily Dose books on Amazon

Funny Stuff you can enjoy with a click

Checkout these funny books – collections of cartoon by Laughzilla for TheDailyDose.com — sold for Kindle exclusively on Amazon.com
Themes Memes and Laser Beams: A Funny Stuff Collection of 101 Cartoons by Laughzilla from TheDailyDose.com (Volume 2)

Themes Memes and Laser Beams: A Funny Stuff Collection of 101 Cartoons by Laughzilla from TheDailyDose.com (Volume 2)

by: Mr. Yasha Harari

The Paperback Edition includes a special maze art illustration and Foreword by celebrated artist Yonatan Frimer. Get it today and LOL for countless hours!

Amazon Price: $6.49 (as of 10/28/2011) Buy Now
List Price: $6.49

Themes Memes and Laser Beams (Funny Stuff - A Collection of 101 Cartoons by Laughzilla for TheDailyDose.com)

Themes Memes and Laser Beams (Funny Stuff – A Collection of 101 Cartoons by Laughzilla for TheDailyDose.com)

by: Yasha Harari

This is the Kindle edition.

Amazon Price: (as of 10/28/2011) Buy Now
List Price: $2.99

Funny Stuff - 101 Cartoons from TheDailyDose.com (The Daily Dose)

Funny Stuff – 101 Cartoons from TheDailyDose.com (The Daily Dose)

by: Yasha Harari

This is the Kindle edition.

Amazon Price: (as of 10/28/2011) Buy Now
List Price: $1.99

Occupy Exodus

Do Hebrews or Syrians Occupy Exodus?

hebrews or syrians fleeing ? occupy exodus cartoon by laughzilla

As #OccupyWallStreet and Passover and the ongoing war in Syria collided in Spring 2012, Laughzilla created this #OccupyExodus cartoon for The Daily Dose after a long hike thinking about #OWS and how terrible it must feel to have to occupy exodus, anytime, anywhere.

Occupy March Madness

But I was Right!

occupy march madness match cartoon

As #OccupyWallStreet and March Madness converged during the NCAA basketball championship tournament of 2012, Laughzilla of TheDailyDose.com created this editorial sports cartoon with a shot that swished for #OWS and #OccupyMarchMadness, among others.

Occupy Leap Year

It’s not every year you get to occupy leap year

occupy leap year time bridge bungee jump

Do you jump for joy on February 29th?

With #OccupyWallStreet going over the edge through the harshest days of winter, Leap Year 2012 arrived. Laughzilla drew this editorial leap year cartoon with a February 29th leap of bungee for #OWS and #OccupyLeapYear, among others.

Occupy Winter

Occupy Winter in Paris

#occupywinter in paris editorial cartoon

As #OccupyWallStreet and Winter collided, early 2012 saw the Occupy Wall Street movement extend to cities and countries beyond America’s borders. Laughzilla of TheDailyDose.com created this editorial cartoon with the panache of a true Parisian penguin for the #OWS and #OccupyWinter culture, along with a bite of brie and baguette, and a glass of red wine.

Book You Never Read > Brain Share > How #OWS Loves Capitalism

Not Your Typical Illustrated Venn Diagram

Book You Never Read > Shoe String Theory

How All Soles Are Connected

Shoestring theory - how all soles are connected - editorial book cover cartoon by laughzilla for thedailydose.com

In October, 2011, #OccupyPhysics examined the #OccupyWallStreet and other #Occupy movements, ie: #OccupyTogether , #OccupyEverywhere , #OccupyBoston – and then put to paper the notion of shoestring theory, which states that all soles are connected by tiny little strings. This epic book title you never read was hand-drawn by laughzilla for thedailydose.com

Black Walnut feat. Herman Cain


#OccupyIceCream Herman Cain black walnut editorial cartoon by laughzilla for thedailydose.com

2012 GOP Presidential Candidate Herman Cain called himself the election’s black walnut ice cream flavor. This lent itself to great comedic parodies and satiric jokes. Plus, it inspired this #OccupyWallStreet spin-off hand-drawn original editorial cartoon by Laughzilla for TheDailyDose.com

Occupy Wall Street protesters as Bankers LOL

Bird’s eye view of the OccupyWallStreet demonstrations

Occupy Wall Street Protest as Bankers LOL

People power can be good. The power of the people at the top can also be good. Which would you rather have? This cartoon skewers the selfishness and greed at the heart of the issue surrounded by Occupy Wall Street and at the fat cat bankers who help keep the wealth in the hands of the few.

Wal*Mart shareholder Mrs. Walton and the 99%

#OccupyWalMart cartoon

Mrs. Walton and the 99% occupy wall street editorial business cartoon by laughzilla for thedailydose.com

In 2011, America’s wealthiest 1% controlled more than a third of its wealth. America’s wealthiest woman at the time is the widow Mrs. Christy Walton, a major shareholder of the WalMart retail chain. She inherited her fortune from her late husband, John, who passed away in 2005. This cartoon satirizes the fortune of Wal*Mart heiress Mrs. Walton and her sympathetic compassion with the 99% occupy wall street protesters in this editorial business cartoon by laughzilla for thedailydose.com

LMFAO #OccupyWallStreet cartoon

What some Occupy Wall Street protesters want

LMFAO Occupy Wall Street editorial cartoon by laughzilla for the daily dose.

Many large media outlets have poked holes in the OccupyWallStreet and Occupy Everywhere movements by saying that the movement lacks any unified goals. Laughzilla took this issue to task with this editorial political business cartoon for the daily dose, pointing out the irony of the charge, the state of affairs, and the commercial mask from V for Vendetta owned by Time Warner being used to hide the faces of many demonstrators.

Selling Anonymous Mask and Slogan to OWS protesters

editorial cartoon of the big corporate commercial interests in the Occupy Wall Street movement

Selling Anonymous Mask and Slogan editorial business cartoon by laughzilla for the daily dose

Capitalism was at the center of a large number of Occupy Wall Street protesters in the Autumn of 2011. Laughzilla took the irony of the Time Warner corporation’s ownership of the V for Vendetta mask which many fans of the Anonymous hacker group used and thus promoted, thus contributing to the wealth of the very system they despise.

On TV: Occupy Wall Street — At Work: Making more money

#OccupyWallStreet on TV while business is hard at working

Daily life at a particle board company during the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations - editorial business cartoon by Laughzilla for thedailydose.com

There was constant media coverage of the OccupyWallStreet movement during its first month. All the same, business is business and kept on working. This cartoon looks at the fictitious reality of managing company strategy at a particle board corporation during this time, as an editorial business cartoon by Laughzilla for thedailydose.com

Hu Wants You to #OccupyWalMart

editorial business cartoon about #OccupyWallStreet

Hu Wants You to #OccupyWalMart editorial business cartoon by laughzilla for thedailydose.com

China is one major country that likes big capitalist American consumerism. That fact is taken to task by Laughzilla for The Daily Dose in this editorial business cartoon of President Hu Jintao as a parody of the iconic US Uncle Sam Wants You poster.
This was the first published OccupyWallStreet cartoon by TheDailyDose.com