Cartoons and humor about China

Editorial cartoons and comic strip panels about China and the influential Chinese people, to which human civilization owes a great deal for inventions like the abacus, fireworks, gun powder, acupuncture,  acupressure, Chinese medicine, and authoritarian Communism, a sugar-coated dictatorship with a capitalism undertone.The political cartoons collected here cover major news stories relevant to China, and are created as line art using ink on paper.The cartoons collected here were originally drawn by Laughzilla for

Chinese Traffic Jams

Rush Hour … more like Rush Month on the Beijing highways

Traffic Jams in China – In the Summer of 2010, Chinese drivers endured traffic jams which lasted over for months. Talk about a fun commute!

This comic strip panel presents a perspective on the endless driving congestion.

Line drawing cartoon made using ink on paper, and drawn by Laughzilla for

Dictators and Freedom – HU Tube

People standing up for freedom in tyrannies around the world

HuTube editorial cartoon

Dictators and Freedom editorial cartoons by laughzilla for The Daily Dose

During the Winter / Spring of 2011, civil disobedience, popular unrest, social strife and revolts were sparked across dictatorships across the Middle East. There was notable democratic activism in China as well.

A great deal of this people’s movement was due to WikiLeaks’ publishing of hundreds of thousands of secret diplomatic and other government cables.

Laughzilla drew on events during this period, and connected the dots where others saw none.

China’s Aircraft Carrier

New Chinese Navy rustbucket on the Ocean

Chinese Aircraft Carrier on the High Seas editorial cartoon

In the Spring of 2011, China fixed up an old Soviet aircraft carrier and set it out on its maiden voyage on the Oceans serving its naval forces.

This opinion cartoon lampoons the news.

The political line drawing was created using ink on paper and was created by Laughzilla for

China hacks Lockheed Martin

Cyber security attacks against U.S. Defense Contractor

China U.S. Cyber Warfare editorial cartoon

Chinese hackers won undernet celebrity points when they successfully hacked the Lockheed Martin Corporation, an American contractor company.

This editorial cartoon pokes fun at the intermingled world of hackers, social networking and online relationships across the world over the Internet.

This political line drawing was made with ink on paper by Laughzilla for

Chinese Attack Gmail

China ignores American Banks – they’re not worth the effort, thanks to Obamanomics.

China attacks Gmail editorial cartoon

The popular email service from Google known as Gmail claimed in June of 2011 it had been hacked by hackers in China. Officially the Chinese government denied any knowledge or links to the cyber attack, and accused Google of being propagandist agents in the hands of the American and Western governments.

This political cartoon satirizes the attack and the irony that the hackers neglected easier targets like U.S. banks, since they are not worth it, thanks to failed economic policies of President Obama.

Created as a line drawing with ink on paper, by Laughzilla for

Slippery world economy as a Chinese restaurant

Officially, No MSG!

Slippery world economy as a Chinese restaurant – editorial cartoon by laughzilla for The Daily Dose

The Summer of 2011 saw China play a major role in the worldwide debate over the state of the global economy.

This political cartoon by laughzilla for shows the world economic nadir as elements of a Chinese restaurant.

Created as a line drawing with ink on paper.

Happy U.S. Independence Day

Thank you, Bank of China

Happy U.S. Independence Day – Thanks to the Bank of China – political cartoon by laughzilla for

July 4th, 2011, and America celebrated the Independence Day holiday with fireworks displays and excessive partying, even though at the time, 1 in 15 US Dollars of the American National Debt was owned by China.

This editorial cartoon parodies the economic state of affairs between the world’s superpower and its Chinese creditors, similar to the viral ads by MasterCard.

The comic strip panel was created as a line drawing by laughzilla for using ink on paper

Banks around the world

Banks of US, China & Russia around the water cooler

Banks around the Water Cooler political cartoon

Summer 2011 and the global economy was not doing well. China owned over one Trillion US Dollars of debt, and the US Bond Credit Rating dropped for the first time in a very long time, from AAA to AA+.

This editorial cartoon parodies the situation with banks from China, the United States and Russia trading jokes around the proverbial office water cooler, even as their countries and currency values plummet into a recessive unknown.

The comic strip panel was drawn with ink on paper for a line drawing by laughzilla for

Hu Wants You

to #OccupyWalMart

president hu satirized as uncle sam parody for occupy wal*mart cartoon

Hu Jintao wants you to OccupyWalMart editorial cartoon by laughzilla for

In the Autumn of 2011, the worldwide economy faltering and the #OccupyWallStreet protest movement had spread from Wall Street to cities around the world, including Hong Kong.

China’s President Hu Jintao is well aware of the effects of a volatile U.S. consumer market and its repercussions on China and financial strength.

This cartoon skewers the situation with a caricature of President Hu Jintao of China, wearing a suit similar to Uncle Sam of the United States, urging consumers to Occupy Wal*Mart.

This political cartoon was created using ink on paper as a line drawing by laughzilla for The Daily Dose