the daily dose seal 2012 may 19About The Daily Dose:
Creator: Yasha Harari
Contact: publisher ~(at)~ — for press, media, site features, business, advertising and fan mail.




Note: You are welcome to reprint occasional cartoons pretty much anywhere (papers, blogs with ads, presentations, fan sites, etc). If you’re not outright selling our stuff, you’re most likely all right. Just be nice and attribute the comic to on blue checkered background  If you have public questions or comments about The Daily Dose, you may want to share them on various social media. Related sites: LaughzillaOy Vey. updates without fail on most days. Some days go by without an edition. There is no public redress for this unaccountability. We are not the government. Nobody forced you to enjoy this slice of the internet.

Who are you?
I’m just a dude, ya dig? I was born at Harvard, and the first house I lived in was owned by Dr. Timothy Leary (the acid guru who popularized the electric kool-aid acid test and that sort of psychedelic dose), so obviously I had nowhere to go from there but down and far out, man. Somehow, despite those unusual beginnings, I am a University graduate with a degree in Liberal Arts. Before starting The Daily Dose, I worked for a lobbying organization in Washington, DC. As of 1998 I left Foggy Bottom and headed for more creative pastures. In my spare time I walk, make music, explore, and go to fancy events disguised as a media celebrity so I can awkwardly ignore everyone and ruin other famous stars’ reputations.

Who is Laughzilla?
Laughzilla was the first and foremost picker of great links for The Daily Dose when The Daily Dose began. He spun out of control and started up his own site and cause, and soon became a recognized force in photo mashups, webcomics and cartooning. Laughzilla remains our stable in-house cartoonist, and sometimes we feed him curdled soy beans to stop him from complaining about the poor work conditions to which he is subjected.

What else do you do?
Other than the CONFIDENTIAL stuff, I make music, publish websites, create viral media, write ebooks and real paper books. Sometimes I feed animals, and occasionally even plants.
Once in a while I influence people to get out and socially network in the real world. Oh yeah, and I draw cartoons for myself, for my amazing fans, and for clients by commission.

What does The Daily Dose mean?
It’s not actually a secret. People take The Daily Dose as a form of medical laughter. As we all know, laughter is the best form of medicine. We have been doing this since before time began — and we know our product is highly addictive, great for reducing stress and bad for office productivity.

How did The Daily Dose start?
On October 29, 1996, I was working too hard at a tech/media lobby back during the first Internet wave. In order to relieve some stress, I sent out a joke from deep within the political power corridor known as K Street. It spread like wildfire. The Daily Dose has been in the humor spotlight ever since.

Is The Daily Dose what my doctor recommended?
Yes. Do not confuse us with the prescription stuff you keep in your medicine cabinet, or the cheap stuff you buy over the Canadian border. This is the real deal. Guaranteed to satisfy.

Why doesn’t The Daily Dose exploit the most popular topics online: 5ex, cyberculture, celebrity, and relationships, with pretty pictures of cute people?
We are not here for that. If you want to consume such primitive pleasures, surely you can search the webergoogbook to your heart’s content for that sort of thing.

Why does your site look weird in my browser?
It’s your fault. We are not in the business of fixing your tech issues. If you’re using any Microsoft product, there’s your answer. If not, you should know better.

Because we’re nice, we are letting you know that this site is regularly tested in Chrome and Firefox and on the Google Android browser, and it works fine in all of those.

Can we print The Daily Dose in our magazine/newspaper/other publication?
Not-for-profit publications need no permission — just print them with attribution to and please let us know about it. Any for-profit operation, ask by email and I will probably give you permission. You may republish The Daily Dose in your blog (whether ad-supported or not) with no need to get my permission, as long as you credit – and please let us know about it.

How can I reach you?
Email. See the top of this page.

Can I suggest a cartoon or joke or video?
No, and if you do, I may use submitted comic ideas and I know about every company making time-waster products and any story about technology and get-rich-slow schemes.

How can I find the date a comic was posted?
We list the comics of the past few years in our Archive in chronological order, and we use Google Search across our site, letting you search our cartoons jokes and video by keyword, phrase, etc.

Is there an interface for automated systems to access comics and metadata?
Yes. Various RSS feeds are available on The Daily Dose and other sites that republish The Daily Dose, including blogger, wordpress and feedburner.

Is The Daily Dose translated?
The Daily Dose is translated into Laughzillian, a language spoken only by the creator of the cartoons, and those translations are kept in a secure encrypted time capsule. Aside from that, translating humor is in fact an enormous task, namely because of the time it takes to translate the funny across language and culture barriers, so no.

Can I work for The Daily Dose?
No, unless you are really exceptionally qualified for the job.

Can I intern or volunteer for The Daily Dose?
No, unless you apply, and are lucky enough to be selected. Just like U.S. Navy SEALs, over 90% of the candidates who attempt to become part of The Daily Dose team, drop out before training is over. Good luck.

How is The Daily Dose created? It all seems so … unconventional.
The Daily Dose cartoon is drawn on paper (gasp!) with a pencil, then ink, then scanned. The Daily Dose jokes are usually hand-crafted by the master wordsmith in charge. Other funny images and jokes not created by The Daily Dose but featured on the site are submitted by users, and we are not responsible for their level of unfunniness.

How do you determine what is funny enough to publish?
Through a proprietary algorhythm of Science and Art, our publication is able to conceive, judge, render, produce, publish and monetize the most luxurious of funny content streams available exclusively to anyone with an internet connection, even if you don’t have a sense of Hugh Moore.

What is your favorite scientific discovery?
String Theory, because it can tie you up in knots that only your noodle can undoodle. That, and the electric nose hair plucker. And since you only asked for one, here’s a third: Anti-gravity / weightlessness chambers, because everyone needs to have their spirits lifted every once in a while, and just like The Daily Dose, flying chambers do that – except you have to wear a silly suit, helmet and goggles in those weightless rooms, whereas consuming The Daily Dose lets you achieve the same effect no matter what you are wearing.