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:^) Thursday, November 4, 2010 {Vol. 15, # 002} (^8  
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  • (^8 The Daily Dose Funny Video Clip! :^D
    (: 2010's US Elections were actually decided by ... The Fat Vote! :D

    (: Comedy Clips Galore :D

    (^: More Hilarious Video Clips 8^D

    8^D Hundreds More Funny Comedy Video Clips (^:

    See also: Laughzilla
    The X Dose - The Dirtiest Jokes
    And: Oy Vey! Jewish Jokes, Comedy & Humor.

    Laughzilla's Last Link! (Now Up Front!)
    2010's Post-Election Tea time at the Oval Office.
    November 3, 2010 at the White House. Butler: More Tea, Mr. President? Obama: Sigh. No Thanks. (Tea Party In A Box, c/o: Voters). .

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    Funny One Liner:
    "Now that there is a Tea Party Caucus in Congress and a GOP majority in the house, at least Glenn Beck can shut up about Nancy Pelosi." ~ Yasha Harari

    The Daily Dose Joke:
    "Top Ten funny 2010 US Congress Election jokes"

    10. Do you really think the voters would have fired Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, if Ronald Reagan were President?

    9. It takes a village to raise a child. It takes a Tea Party to rattle Washington, DC.

    8. Californians rejected Proposition 19, which would have legalized recreational used of Cannabis, while at the same time putting Jerry Brown back in the Governor's Mansion, thus proving that they can have their space cake and eat it too.

    7. Two years after voting for Hope and Change, Americans realized they preferred sticking to their guns and drank some Tea.

    6. The most entertaining 2010 Battle for the Congress stars: Jon Stewart vs. Glenn Beck.

    5. In winning his hotly contested U.S. Senate race in Florida, Marco Rubio proved that Cuban Americans can win over the retired Jewish vote and the rest of the Citrus State with a little help from a cunning FOX.

    4. Now that you don't have Nancy Pelosi to kick around anymore, you'll need to learn how to say John Boehner.

    3. When the Tea Party is eventually forced to compromise on its ideology, will it be renamed the Decaffeinated Tea Party?

    2. Harry Reid survived his 2010 election by doing what Nevadans do best: Gamble big at the high-rollers table, and cheat the odds.

    ... and the #1 funny 2010 US Congress Election joke is:

    1. Q: What event would Obama love to remove from the mandatory White House schedule? A: The Tea Party.

    Reference: Yasha Harari for

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  • "Money talks. Stock whispers." ~ Yasha Harari

    Keep on laughing! 8^D It's good for you. Really. Well it can't be worse for you than bad healthcare. :)

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