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The Daily Dose 2010 Archives
Year 15: 2010 Archives
  • 2010-12-25 - Top 10 Christmas Day Jokes
  • 2010-12-24 - Top 10 Christmas Jokes
  • 2010-12-23 - Top 10 Superhero Jokes
  • 2010-12-22 - Top 10 UCONN Huskies Women's Basketball Team Jokes
  • 2010-12-21 - Top 10 reasons the U.S. Congress is happy to pay UCSC for digitizing The Grateful Dead Memorabilia
  • 2010-12-20 - Top 10 Fun things to do when time travelling
  • 2010-12-19 - Top 10 Reasons Civilian life beats Military life
  • 2010-12-18 - The little girl and the U.S. Congressman
  • 2010-12-16 - Top 10 funny political quotes
  • 2010-12-15 - Top 10 Political jokes for the 2010 Winter holidays
  • 2010-12-14 - Top 10 Cold Environment jokes
  • 2010-12-12 - Top 10 Middle East Nuclear jokes
  • 2010-12-10 - Top 10 Reasons Iran fears electric cars
  • 2010-12-09 - Top 10 Reasons Computers Must Be Male/Female jokes
  • 2010-12-08 - John Lennon jokes
  • 2010-12-07 - Titanic Pearl Harbor joke
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  • 2010-12-04 - Top 10 funny Israel fire jokes
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  • 2010-12-02 - Top Ten funny Wikileaks Secret Hanukah Gifts
  • 2010-12-01 - Top Ten funny Wikileaks secrets
  • 2010-11-30 - Top Ten funny Wikileaks jokes
  • 2010-11-29 - Top Ten funny Willie Nelson Cyber Monday jokes
  • 2010-11-26 - Top Ten funny Black Friday jokes
  • 2010-11-25 - Top Ten funny Thanksgiving jokes
  • 2010-11-22 - Top Ten funny TSA jokes
  • 2010-11-21 - Top Ten funny TSA acronym jokes
  • 2010-11-17 - Top Ten funny clean energy jokes
  • 2010-11-13 - Top Ten funny cat jokes
  • 2010-11-11 - Top Ten funny Armistice Day / Veterans Day jokes
  • 2010-11-04 - Top Ten funny 2010 US Congress Election jokes
  • 2010-10-29 - Top Ten funny Birthday / Anniversary jokes
  • :^) Sunday, December 26, 2010 {Vol. 15, # 034} (^8  

    Laughzilla's Last Link! (Now Up Front!)
    What color is your mask?
    Everyone wears a mask but how long will it las? from

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    Funny One Liner:
    "The ironic thing about applying a cosmetic beauty mask is how ugly one looks while it is worn." ~ Yasha Harari

    The Daily Dose Joke:
    "Top 10 Mask Jokes"

    10. The day after Christmas is the day you see all the masks of gratitude fall away at the gift return counter.

    9. What's the point of veiled women wearing beauty masks?

    8. Sir Paul McCartney wears a mask of pacifism, except during wartime (ie: The War on Terror), which is not unlike being vegetarian between meals.

    7. There seems to be a great shortage of people who wear festive masks on a daily basis.

    6. Do you think Jim Carrey would be as famous if it were not for The Mask?

    5. One irony about masks is that they were created to express emotions for theatre actors, who by their trade, must display emotion with or without masks, to an audience of people who try to hide their emotions, without wearing masks, until after the performance.

    4. If you go to a masquerade ball without a mask, are you declaring that you have had facial plastic surgery, or that you are about to?

    3. Never underestimate the power of a mask. The people who make the laws we all must suffer, wear them all the time -- especially when dividing up the powers of the world.

    2. What does an invisible mask look like?

    ... and the #1 Mask Joke is:

    1. What do you call someone who always wears a mask? Two-faced.

    Reference: Yasha Harari for

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    The Daily Dose Funny Video Clip!
    Weird Mask Office Clip

    The Daily Dose 2009 Archives

    Clean Energy Connection - Bridging the clean energy revolution with real life.
    Can You Find The P A T H ?
    Jewish jokes and humor.

    "The Carmel is on fire. So much for Hanukah." ~ Yasha Harari

    Keep on laughing! 8^D It's good for you. Really. Well it can't be worse for you than bad healthcare. :)

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