Funny One Liner:
"While you were out (watching the FIFA 2010 World Cup Finals) ... Millions more gallons of oil leaked into the Gulf of Mexico. Better get some Bounty ... you know, the
Quicker Picker Upper." ~ Yasha Harari
"Top Ten FIFA World Cup Final and BP oil spill jokes"
10. Oil Executives love the FIFA 2010 World Cup, or "How BP got away with a few more weeks of massive pollution in the Gulf of Mexico, right under everyone's nose."
9. If you strike a FIFA 2010 World Cup Final Match in the Gulf of Mexico, does it catch on fire?
8. Not even the Solar Eclipse coinciding with the FIFA 2010 World Cup Final can black out the black oil currently filling up the Gulf of Mexico.
7. President Obama must be rejoicing over the FIFA 2010 World Cup Finals. It's another great distraction for the rest of the world, while he drives and flies from event to
event, using the same kind of oil that's leaking in the Gulf of Mexico.
6. Why hasn't Spain been able to help clean up the Gulf of Mexico oil spill? They're too busy with the Running of the Bulls - a fact Market Watchers are keen to see.
5. America should love countries that play Football, especially Holland. After all, Holland has offered to save the day ... not just with their World Cup Final
performance, but with cleaning up the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
4. For every goal scored in the FIFA 2010 World Cup, there's a BP executive laughing at the fans who are ignoring the oil spill.
3. If you thought it was a bad FIFA World Cup for Britain, think of how much worse of a year it is for Britain's oil industry.
2. We all know that World Cup Football brings in many millions in ad revenues. I'd like to know how much advertising BP will have to buy to direct eyeballs to something
other than its oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?
... and the #1 FIFA World Cup Final and BP oil spill joke is:
1. There's nothing as slick as a goal on the FIFA World Cup pitch, except for BP's slick in the Gulf of Mexico.